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Tool 1.1: Advocacy Workbook for Early Childhood Education

Key Guidance and Tools for Creating an ECE Advocacy Strategy and Plan


© GPE/Alexandra Humme


Advocacy can take many forms and may require a variety of tools to support the development of well-thought-out advocacy strategies and plans. This Advocacy Workbook for ECE is a useful resource that can be used to guide your advocacy strategy development process and inform advocacy activities, plans, and monitoring and evaluation to advance  ECE in your context.

The Advocacy Workbook for Early Childhood Education provides a host of tools, and templates for ECE advocates at the country, regional and global levels to guide your advocacy strategy development and implementation.

This step-by-step workbook will take you through the strategy development process and provide templates and instructions to support you to define and document the core elements of an advocacy strategy.

In each chapter, you will find an explanation of each of the core elements of an advocacy strategy, a worksheet on the accompanying tool, and a completed example of the tool. To save and edit your own version of the advocacy strategy tools and templates contained in this workbook, download the accompanying Advocacy Workbook Tools and Templates PowerPoint file linked here.

Upon completing this workbook you will have defined and documented your:

  • ECE Advocacy Goal and Outcome;
  • Stakeholder Mapping and Targeting;
  • Tactics to influence your target;
  • Key Messages;
  • Success Indicators: Monitoring & Evaluation.


Using this tool will support your advocacy by stepping you through a series of key tools for building out your advocacy strategy and plan. By developing a robust but simple advocacy strategy for ECE, you will be identify context-appropriate tactics and activities to galvanize momentum around ECE. Developing a clear advocacy strategy, with a defined goal, outcome, targets, and tactics to match, is potentially a powerful way to strengthen the country’s political will around ECE support and services. More specifically, this tool will help you to:

When to Use this Tool

This tool can be used as part of your programme planning processes following your sub-sector analysis to ensure your advocacy activities and initiatives around ECE are in alignment with your goal for ECE.

Advocacy must be implemented and embedded with any ece programmes and initiatives. Your advocacy strategy must be developed in tandem to ensure it is complimentary and in alignment with your ECE goal.

The tool constitutes guidance on key components of an advocacy strategy, and a set of accompanying tools which will guide you through your strategy development process, and ready you for implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of your strategy.

Key Information

The Advocacy Workbook for Early Childhood Education contains 6 core Chapters and tools.

  • Overview of the advocacy strategy component, which provides the big picture orientation/purpose of the tools featured in each chapter;
  • Key tools and examples to guide you through the process of developing and documenting each advocacy strategy component; and
  • The  ‘Advocacy Workbook Companion PowerPoint ‘ Advocacy Tools and Templates PPT, containing all strategy tools contained in the Advocacy Workbook, for offline documentation and workshopping.


This workbook and the tools contained should be undertaken in workshops and collaboration with ECE stakeholders in your context. The strategy development process is collaborative and will achieve optimal results when all stakeholders are included - to ensure you have secured not only buy-in, but a comprehensive assessment of the problem, and the solution you are proposing through your advocacy, including the resources within your stakeholder pool which you can leverage through your strategy implementation. An advocacy strategy is a living document and should be reviewed throughout the implementation, as your context changes, and with consideration to your activity results.

This Workbook is just one way you can approach your advocacy strategy development. In the Advocacy Workbook Companion PowerPoint ‘Advocacy Tools and Templates’, You will find additional resources for building out ECE advocacy strategies in particular contexts, case studies, and webinar resources - including how to address ECE in emergencies, and integrated programming.

Additional Resources