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October 8, 2024

what you intend to measure, such as what you intend to measure in your Education Sector Plan.  Indicators should be disaggregated by sex, age, location and other vulnerability characteristics such as disability status, household wealth, linguistic and ethnic minorities, refugees, and persons displaced.

As stated in , “[d]ifferent types of indicators are required to assess progress toward results. If we look again at the results chain and how indicators are used, we can see that the type of indicators need to relate to the different levels of the results chain that we want to measure. Importantly, the indicators must reflect the different levels of desired results, as indicated in the logframe (or equivalent program design)”.


For a list of ECE indicators and more information about indicators, please refer to Tools 2.1 and 3.2 in this toolkit and MOOC Modules 4 and 5.