On this page, you will find guidance on
How is the toolkit structured?
The tools in the global toolkit are highlighted in each section of the “journey” below. These tools support an iterative process - the process of revisiting and repeating steps and actions as needed - with some tools helping you with more than one step and action in this “journey”.
While each country’s context and experience are unique, there are key milestones or related actions that are common across countries. The global toolkit follows the steps and milestones of this journey.
The “path” below shows this journey and the steps highlighted in the global toolkit.
The journey is not a linear process. It is composed of iterative “steps” – featured in this toolkit as sections – that may be returned to and repeated as needed. These steps are featured across the Education Sector Planning cycle, and are relevant to other ECE analysis and planning processes.
Section 1
Strengthen Political Will for ECE and Understanding of the ECE Subsector
See Section 1 for guidance, tools, resources and examples to support you:
- understand the key features of an effective ECE subsector;
- conduct ECE advocacy efforts;
- set up or invigorate an ECE technical working group;
- clarify the ECE space in your context.
Section 2
Conduct ECE Data and Policy Mapping and Analysis
See Section 2 for guidance, tools, resources and examples to support you:
- identify, consolidate and assess available ECE data and information;
- identify ECE data gaps and consider ECE evidence generation plans;
- conduct a comprehensive analysis of the ECE subsector;
- formulate the ECE sections or chapter of the ESA report.
Section 3
Establish an ECE Subsector Vision to Inform Planning
See Section 3 for guidance, tools, resources and examples to support you:
- formulate ECE strategies, activities, etc.;
- understand how to estimate costs of the ECE strategies and activities.
Section 4
Develop and Appraise ECE Subsector Plans
See Section 4 for guidance, tools, resources and examples to support you:
- revisit ECE components of an operational/action plan; and
- check for consistency, coherence and feasibility of ECE components of operational plans.
Section 5
Implementation considerations
See Section 5 for guidance, tools, resources and examples to support you:
- Review financing options
- Strengthen considerations related to subsector coordination
- Address considerations related to subnational implementation
- Learn about best practices regarding implementation of ECE Core Functions
Section 6
Report ECE Progress and Engage in Review Processes
See Section 6 for guidance, tools, resources and examples to support you:
- review and report consolidated, annual ECE data (including key performance indicators, indicators, and targets).
Section 7
Prepare for Final Evaluation
See Section 7 for guidance, tools, resources and examples to support you:
- Identify ECE-specific considerations for external evaluations
A few notes:
Sections 2 to 4 focus on the preparation of the Education Sector Plan (ESP). These sections essentially take the users through the phases of ESP preparation. The tools in these sections support users with defining and articulating robust ECE components (strategies, activities, indicators, targets) that are well-reflected in an ESP, operational plan and results framework.
For a detailed outline of the global toolkit, read more here.
Still have questions about the global toolkit? Please see About the toolkit.
How to use the Toolkit
To get the most out of this toolkit, here are suggestions about how to begin and how to proceed step by step.
The “self-assessment” questionnaire is the starting point to help you identify which section(s) or tool(s) is/are most relevant for your context. You may then proceed to the corresponding sections/tabs and tools.
Be sure to utilize the Search feature at the top right corner of each page. It searches the entire toolkit website with any words or phrases you enter, and helps you find what you’re looking for quickly. You may also filter by actions or themes, such as inclusion, crisis, gender equity, and advocacy. For example, if you want to see all tools with examples on crisis and conflict, entering these search words will yield all the tools which contain specific examples related to ECE analysis and planning with a crisis lens.
We also welcome you to connect with us through the Contact Us section.
If you wish to use the online format of the tools, you may create an account to save your progress and return to the tool at a later time. Creating an account also allows you to bookmark tools and resources. You can create an account by clicking on login icon at the top of the page.