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Tool 2.1: Spreadsheet

ECE Data Mapping and Evidence Plan Spreadsheet

© UNICEF/UN0333143


This tool is a spreadsheet that helps to systematically gather, identify and consolidate the available ECE data in an efficient manner as part of the data collection process in the context of Education Sector Analysis (ESA).


Using this tool will support ECE TWG stakeholders with:

When to Use this Tool

This tool can be used in the Education Sector Analysis Reply (ESA) process prior to analyzing and reporting data.

Outside of the Education Sector Analysis (ESA) and Education Sector Planning (ESP) process, the spreadsheet may also be used to map and analyze the ECE evidence base to inform other initiatives, such as advocacy efforts, funding proposals, development of pre-primary education policies or laws, or specific subsector strengthening activities (ex. curriculum reform, etc.). As a country may have multiple ECE providers and service delivery models, it may be used (i) to engage all providers to align common indicators across providers and service delivery models; (ii) to support the development of harmonized subsector regulatory frameworks; and (iii) as the basis for creating an indicator framework to consolidate ECE data across partners if one does not yet exist.

Key Information

This spreadsheet contains two tabs:

This tab lists the indicators that should form the data and evidence base for ECE in the Education Sector Analysis (ESA).

  • Priority indicators that should ideally be reflected in the Education Sector Analysis (ESA) across contexts are indicated. Other indicators listed are not exhaustive and are illustrative examples countries may consider based on contextual needs and priorities.
  • This tab will help you map information relating to the indicators (e.g., availability; data sources; reliability). In turn, this will support identifying any data gaps and whether additional, complementary information (e.g., thematic studies or rapid assessments) may strengthen the ECE evidence base for the Education Sector Analysis (ESA).
  • This tab will also help you organize the key data gaps that need to be filled. It also allows you to identify short- and long-term options to consider when planning how and when to fill the data gaps.

This tab will help you gather and organize the information from relevant thematic studies/reports that can complement your evidence base.

  • A thematic study/report is any type of research, evaluation, assessment or analysis on a particular topic (for example, curriculum development process, impact of family engagement on children’s learning, early learning assessment), which generates information, results and evidence on the topic.
  • An example thematic study is provided to illustrate the type of information that can be included.

Additional Resources