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Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

October 8, 2024

As stated in MOOC Module 5, “KPIs are a selection of indicators that reflect the main objectives pursued in a plan. Their results should be included in the annual performance monitoring of the plan. [KPIs are typically organized in a matrix] and the KPI matrix is particularly useful:

  • It provides a quick overview of plan achievements.
  • It gives a comprehensive picture of the education system performance, but at the same time it remains focused on the main objectives.
  • It concentrates on the result level—the overall objectives (or goals) and strategic objectives (outcomes).
  • It provides information not only on national averages (as is often the case) but also on subnational disparities (gender, urban/rural, region, and so on). KPIs should be limited in number, preferably no more than 20–30 for the entire ESP.

As the scope of ESPs expand and data information system improve, more KPIs, including ECE-related ones, might be added. But because the KPI table is meant to show an overview of education system performance, too many indicators is not advisable.