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Logical Framework Approach

February 9, 2024

A logical framework is an explicit causal chain.  As stated in MOOC Module 4, “the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) was developed at the end of the 1960s for USAID. It became common practice in most aid agencies in the 1990s, when it also began being used for designing broader programs and plans in recipient countries. It is a method for designing (and monitoring) projects in a rigorous way. It implies a highly structured process of analyzing problems, defining objectives, and then selecting and organizing the relevant activities for reaching the objectives, following a strict logical order. Like the LFA, the theory of change approach is increasingly used in planning, to present detailed causal chains that lead to desired outcomes and impacts. Unlike the more linear LFA, the theory of change can show many different pathways that might lead to change and can be more flexible, with no fixed format, including cyclical processes, feedback loops and more”. Refer to MOOC Module 4, Annex 1, for more information on the LFA and results chain.