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Examining What Works in Pre-Primary: A Review of the Evidence

October 22, 2024

USAID’s review summarizes the current evidence on pre-primary in LMICS, including gaps in the research, in the following sections:

A Case for Pre-Primary discusses several key arguments made in favor of pre-primary investments. Among these are: 1) the financial return on investment that has been consistently documented in economic literature, 2) the evidence of learning gains and improved academic outcomes from educational research, and 3) the evidence on system efficiencies driven by pre-primary participation, particularly a decrease in drop-out and grade repetition at primary.

Understanding Quality in Pre-Primary Education outlines the elements of quality most closely tied to improved learning outcomes and other positive impacts of pre-primary education. This includes the environmental (structural) and experiential (process) quality factors of these programs.

Establishing an Enabling Environment provides an overview of the supportive environment in which preprimary can effectively operate, including the policy framework and coordination needed to support delivery of and participation in pre-primary education, the financing support for pre-primary delivery, and an in-depth look at the workforce.

Following this review of the global landscape, regional reviews are provided to provide an overview of the regional contexts where USAID works.