Displaying 10 - 18 of 18
How working locally supports early childhood education for children’s school and life success
As a follow-up to the " Smart scaling of pre-primary education: Strengthening subnational early childhood education systems "...
Right from the start: Advancing gender equality through early childhood education
This blog post discusses the potential that Early Childhood Education has to change the lives of children, their families and...
The world is falling behind on early childhood education
Despite the importance of starting school early, barely one in three countries is on track with its own national targets for...
Kyrgyz Republic: Preparing children for primary school
With the support of a US$12.6 million GPE grant, the government of the Kyrgyz Republic implemented initiatives to expand...
Building Resilient Systems for Quality Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) a parallel session at the World Conference
The first day of the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (14th November 2022 at Tashkent) was dedicated to...
UNICEF Education Case Study: Using the ECE Accelerator Toolkit to advance the ECE subsector in Liberia
The “Integrating Early Childhood in Sectoral Planning” project, supported by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)...
Unlocking learning outcomes: The Sierra Leone Education Innovation Challenge
In Sierra Leone, the government launched the Sierra Leone Education Innovation Challenge (SLEIC) in 2022 to address learning...
Building tomorrow today: How youth-led solutions are shaping the future of early childhood education
UNICEF and Generation Unlimited are dedicated to empowering young entrepreneurs with comprehensive skills and scaling the...
Defending the Future: Safeguarding Early Childhood Education in Crisis and Conflict Zones
Authors: Divya Lata - Education Specialist at UNICEF, Helena Murseli - Senior Education Advisor at UNICEF, Tricia Young -...