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Section 1

Section 6

Report ECE Progress and Engage in Review Processes

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At this stage, you should have established the ECE components (strategies, activities, indicators and targets) in the Education Sector Plan (ESP), the operational plan and the ESP Results Framework as well as have started implementation of the ESP.

Section 6 focuses on supporting the monitoring and review of the implementation of the ECE components across the different moments of the Education Sector Plan (ESP) monitoring and evaluation cycle (please see Figure 1).


Figure 1. Education Sector Plan (ESP) Monitoring and Evaluation Cycle
Figure 1. Education Sector Plan (ESP) Monitoring and Evaluation Cycle Source: MOOC Module 5

At the different points of the M&E cycle, different types of reviews are required, each with specific purposes and backed by specific reports. MOOC Module 5 (p. 12) provides an overview of the key aspects of these different types of review processes and reports (including information on when it takes place, the purpose, the content, the responsible entity, the target audience, and ECE considerations). These review processes are usually outlined in the Results Framework or ESP Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (“M&E Plan”). For more background information on the monitoring and evaluation process for the Education Sector Plan (ESP) in general, please see MOOC Module 5 (p. 9-20).

For purposes of clarity, this section will focus on monitoring processes, while Section 7 will focus on evaluations.

Monitoring refers to the international management process by which information about plan implementation is regularly gathered, analyzed, and reported, in the interest of identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as formulating practical proposals for action, in order to reach the planned results.



  • What is the level of inputs [resources] used? How are inputs being used (and how efficiently)?
  • What is the level of activities planned? Are activities being carried out as planned?
  • Are the pre-defined outputs being produced as planned and efficiently? Are we on track?
  • Are expected outcomes being met?
  • What are the issues, risks, and challenges that we face or foresee that need to be taken into account to ensure the achievement of results?
  • What corrective actions might be needed to ensure delivery of the intended results?

Monitoring provides an opportunity to identify and make needed policy adjustments. Especially when new priorities are being implemented, such as a focus on expanding pre-primary, monitoring may often point to a clear need for changes in policies, priorities, and activities, including re-assessment and re-design. It is therefore important to conduct regular progress monitoring and use feedback loops for course corrections and improvements.

A well-functioning M&E system is essential for promoting and maintaining pre-primary programs and services that are relevant and of high quality and also ensuring that the most disadvantaged children are sufficiently targeted (MOOC Module 5).

Successful ESP implementation depends on regular monitoring and review. These reviews should take place at regular intervals and at different levels - at both decentralized and national levels. In addition to regular, day-to-day monitoring and periodic review by a strategic monitoring (or oversight) committee, annual reviews with stakeholders should be held as well. Midterm and final reviews, covered in Section 7, are also critical as they should involve a wide range of partners.

Section 6 helps you to plan for regular data collection and analysis in order to engage meaningfully in the different types of review processes according to the Results Framework or M&E Plan. Using this Section’s tools will prepare you to report on ECE-specific progress towards achieving ECE goals in the Education Sector Plan (ESP).


Section 6 Objective

The overall objectives for Section 6 are for ECE data to be  consolidated, reported and regularly reviewed to determine progress of the implementation of the ECE components so that any necessary adjustments to these components can be made.

To achieve this objective, the following actions should take place:

This action will help stakeholders identify ECE-specific performance indicators for monitoring the results of the implementation plan and the change in the early childhood landscape.

This action will help stakeholders understand how they should plan to consolidate, report, and analyze/review data on the ECE indicators and corresponding targets that were included in the operational plan and Education Sector Plan (ESP) Results Framework. The results will then inform the ECE subsector’s contributions to the annual review processes. The aim is to enhance (a) ECE engagement in sector-wide reviews, (b) transparency on ECE progress made, (c) areas for improvement, and (d).

Section 6 Tools

The tools featured in this section will help ECE TWG stakeholders monitor and evaluate the implementation of the action plan.

Cross-cutting considerations for Section 6

The monitoring and evaluation cycle presents opportunities for consultations and policy dialogue around ECE. Throughout the different points of this cycle (annual review, midterm review, final review and valuation), it will be important for the ECE TWG to advocate with both the Ministry of Education and development partners directly supporting government planning efforts, to ensure that the ECE is highlighted and given due attention in these review processes.

Understanding the characteristics of such review processes (ex. scope, target audience, entity responsible, purpose, etc.) and preparing adequately for them are key first steps. The preparations include collecting and analyzing data, reflecting on progress of implementation (including successes and challenges) and documenting the analysis in a user-friendly way.

Other national review processes outside the Education Sector Plan (ESP) cycle are important for ensuring a review of the ECE subsector is included and advocacy for ECE needs reported and discussed, including:

  • In crisis contexts: if there is a response review by clusters such as the Education Cluster, Protection Area of Responsibility, or sector-wide efforts. These may include an “after action review,” joint-program review, cluster “moment of reflection” or the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) or Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) processes part of the Inter-Agency Standing Committees (IASC) Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Historically, ECE has not been included in HRPs and evidence is limited suggesting it is systematically part of inter-agency review and reporting processes.
  • Gender and Inclusion: Agencies programmatic reviews, such as the gender programmatic review conducted by UNICEF; ensuring ECE inclusion, crisis and gender-related indicators are reported on as part of global reporting processes such as OECD DAC gender equality policy marker reporting or reporting on the Gender with Age Marker.

For information on data that may be presented and reported during these processes, please refer to the Section 2 Landing Page, Section 2 Landing Page Cross-Cutting Considerations, and Section 2 Tools.

Additional Resources