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Tool 6.1: Spreadsheet

Programme Monitoring Dashboard Guidance for using the Excel spreadsheet

There are four tabs on the Excel spreadsheet

The dashboard tab contains all of the graphs and tables and will be automatically updated as you enter data

The planning tab is where you will enter data regarding targets for each of your key performance indicators

The monitoring tab is where you will enter annual data

The budget tab is where you will enter budget information for the current year

Entering planning data

  • A complete list of key performance indicators (KPIs) is located in Appendix A.
  • Decide which indicators you will be using
    • For the indicators you are not using, simply clear the sample data and do not enter new data. Do not delete the entire indicator, as this can potentially cause calculation errors
  • Some of the child-level and teacher-level indicators are already disaggregated by gender. If you will not be examining differences by gender or do not have this information, but will still be reporting on the indicator with aggregated data, enter data in only one of the two rows and disregard the other one
    • You may want to relabel the indicator you are using  with “aggregated” instead of “male” or “female”
  • If you choose to disaggregate any of the indicators by location (e.g. urban/rural), you can change the indicator names accordingly
  • Adding new indicators:
    • There are spaces included at the bottom (text is in red) of the list for KPIs you are interested in monitoring but not included in the list
      • Two of these are for percentage indicators and three are for number indicators
      • Enter your indicator in Column C, replacing the red text accordingly
      • You may also want to indicate whether this is a child-level, teacher-level, school-level, or system-level indicator (Column B)
    • Alternatively, if there are KPIs that you will not be using, you can replace them so that there are no blank spaces on the Dashboard
      • For example, if you are tracking the percentage of overage children in ECE, but you are not tracking the percentage of children with mild disabilities, you can replace the text for the indicator accordingly.
      • Any changes made to the indicators on this tab will automatically be reflected in the Monitoring and Dashboard tabs.
  • A note on the Gender Parity Index (GPI):
    • GPI is calculated automatically using the GER for males and females
    • If you want to use ANER to calculate GPI, the formula is below.

    GPI = ANER, femaleANER, male


  • This Dashboard is designed to cover 2023-2030. If the data you are monitoring falls across a different time range, edit the years accordingly
    • For example, if your ESP covers 2022-2027, your baseline year (Column D) will be 2022 and your end target year will be 2027. You will have five years of data you are tracking (Planned 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 - Columns E, F, G, H, and I, respectively). As there are seven “Planned” year columns, do not enter years (or data) into the last two columns.
    • Do not delete any columns if you are not entering data into those years, as this can potentially cause calculation errors.
  • Enter baseline data in Column D


  • If you know overall annual rate of increase/decrease, enter this in Column L. The annual planned target values will automatically be calculated.
    • For example, if the baseline (2023) ECE ANER for males is 28% and you have a target ECE ANER for males of 49% by 2030: end  target ANER -  baseline ANERend target year - baseline year = 49% - 28%2030 - 2023 = 21%7 years = 3% increase per year
      Enter 3% into column L and annual planned targets will be automatically calculated for Columns E-K
    • You can also manually enter targets for each year if the planned rate of increase/decrease is not the same every year


Entering monitoring data

  • If you edited any of the indicator names in the Planning tab, they will be automatically updated
  • If you edited any of the years in the Planning tab, they will be automatically updated
  • Enter data under the appropriate year
  • If you do not have data for an indicator, leave it empty instead of entering zero


  • Baseline data (Column L) will be automatically updated based on the data you entered in the Planning tab. In the example above, for the first indicator (ANER, male), the baseline ANER in 2023 was 28%.
  • To change the year you want to view in Columns M (Target) and N (Achieved), you will need to go to the Dashboard tab to change the year. On the Dashboard tab, next to the “Current Year” box, you can change which year’s data you would like to view. In the example pictured below, 2027 has been selected.
    • This will automatically change the year (and corresponding data) shown in
    • Column M (Target) and Column N (Achieved) on the Monitoring tab
      • Column M shows the target for that year, based on data entered in the Planning tab. For the first indicator (ANER, male), the 2027 target was 40%
      • Column N shows what was actually achieved that year, based on the data you entered on this tab. For the first indicator (ANER, male), in 2027 the male ANER rate was actually 37%
    • Based on the values in Column M (Target) and Column N (Achieved), the status (Column O) for the target year will automatically change as well
      • If the target was achieved, the status will change to “Achieved”
      • If the target was not achieved, the status will change to “Not Achieved”



Entering budget monitoring data

  • If you edited any of the years in the Planning tab, they will automatically be updated
  • Planned budget is the budget (national + donor) that was planned for the ECE subsector
  • Allocated budget is the budget (national + donor) that the ECE subsector actually received
  • The budget deficit will be automatically calculated (allocated budget - planned budget)
  • Utilization refers to how much has been spent so far
  • The percentage of allocated budget that has been used will be automatically calculated

Looking at your dashboard

For more guidance on how the graphs are organized and how to read the different graphs

Appendix A

List of key performance indicators
Child-level indicators
  • ECE Adjusted Net Enrolment Rate (ANER)*
  • ECE Gross Enrolment Rate (GER)*
  • ECE Gender Parity Index (GPI) (using GER)
  • Percentage of out-of-school (OOSC) one year before primary
  • Percentage of children with mild disabilities in formal schools*
  • Percentage of new entrants in primary with ECE experience*
Teacher-level indicators
  • Percentage of trained ECE teachers*
  • Percentage of female head teachers in ECE school
School-level indicators
  • Percentage of ECE schools meeting the set quality standards
  • Percentage of ECE schools with satisfactory student-teacher ratio
  • Number of schools with ECE classes
System-level indicators
  • Pre-primary pupil-qualified teacher ratio (PQTR)
  • Pre-primary pupil-teacher ratio
  • Percentage share of ECE in education budget
  • Budget committed for ECE (in absolute terms)
Other indicators (not included in the current dashboard, but ones you may want to consider)
  • Child skills development (% of children who are school ready)
  • Availability of teaching and learning materials in classrooms
  • Capacity strengthening of core ECE staff (% of head teacher training to support/mentor ECE teachers, % of inspectorate trained on ECE issues and ECE monitoring)
  • % of Annual Operating Plan with ECE component
  • Parity indices that allow assessment of whether the gender gap or location gap decreased over time
  • Indicators relating to tracking regional differences (e.g. Subnational Parity Index)


The downloadable monitoring dashboard tool in excel format contains fake data, enabling you to see how the graphs are created and change when you enter new data or edit existing data. Prior to entering actual data in the tool, fake data should be deleted.

Tool 6.1 - Monitoring Dashboard (xlsx)
Tool 6.1 - Dashboard Guidance (PDF)