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Tool 2.5: Checklist

ESA ECE Alignment Checklist

How to Use this Checklist

Answer yes, somewhat or no to each item in this checklist and provide a brief rationale (1 – 2 sentences). Based on your responses, ideas may be provided to support strengthening ECE components in your ESA.

  • 1
    Current A. Process
  • 2
    B. ESA Report format and content
  • 3
A. Process
1. Is the ECE TWG involved in the ESA’s drafting and/or validation (i.e. generally in agreement with the identified ECE content included in the ESA)?

2. Is there an agreed process for validating (i.e. generally agreeing on ECE content for the ESA) the ECE section(s) and/or chapter with:

2.1 Stakeholders at regional/subnational and local levels who are not part of the ECE TWG, including teachers and caregivers?
2.2 Other education decision making stakeholders not part of the ECE TWG?
3. Is there an agreement on priority indicators to be used for the ECE component of the ESA?
4. Do the agreed upon priority indicators align with (i.e. are generally consistent with) education system-wide priority indicators?
5. Is there an agreement on additional ECE data gaps to fill in advance of the ESA or over a longer-term timeframe (not in time for the ESA)?
6. Has the ECE TWG validated (i.e. content agreed through a consultative process) the ECE section(s) and ensured they align – or are generally consistent- with other parts of the ESA report (i.e., are there inconsistencies between the ECE sections and the other sections in terms of analysis, terminology, etc. If there are differences, is a clear justification and rationale explained)?
7. Have the ECE section(s)/chapter been validated (i.e. content agreed through a consultative process) across system levels (national, regional, local) and with relevant decision-makers (for example, district education officials)?

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2.5 Checklist ESA ECE alignment (word)
2.5 Checklist ESA ECE alignment (PDF)
2.5 Checklist ESA ECE alignment (French)
2.5 Checklist ESA ECE alignment (Spanish)